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Welcome to my website! I am Hannah Henry, a current M.S. student from Auburn University's College of Forestry, Wildlife, and Environment. I am pursuing my Master of Science in Natural Resources and am advised by Dr. Kelly Dunning. I have an intended completion date of August 2024.

My M.S. is a fully funded program and has allowed me the opportunity to delve deep into the human dimensions of coastal wildlife conservation. My thesis research is about public knowledge of wildlife policy (such as the Endangered Species Act and Marine Mammal Protection Act), conservation behavior change, and human-wildlife interactions with dolphins and sea turtles on the Alabama coast. This research has allowed me to work with various critical stakeholder groups, including coastal tourists, wildlife tour operators, charter captains, and commercial anglers. I am deeply inspired to understand how people are connected to wildlife, and how to develop more harmonious solutions for conservation and human livelihoods.

Hannah at one of her field sites at Dauphin Island, Alabama.

Feel free to explore my website to learn more about me and my research projects, and contact me if you have any questions. I am looking forward to connecting with you all!

My socials are all linked in the header and footer of my website.

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